
A. Cavegn AG
Rämistrasse 44
CH - 8001 Zürich

Telefon +41 (0) 44 931 34 64
Telefax +41 (0) 44 931 34 60

Advice during the pre-recruitment stage

A detailed knowledge of the business, the organisation, the people responsible and the strategy for the medium and longer term are all required if a position is to be filled in the best possible way. One important requirement for success, therefore, is for us to get to know and understand our Clients properly.

We would be pleased to help you prepare a detailed job description covering all the important criteria: a description of the position, goals and anticipated achievements, together with requirements relating to the experience, abilities and character of the candidate

We will also ensure that:
  • the job profile is challenging and motivating;
  • the requirement profile is defined such that the market can produce sufficient good and interested candidates.